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I'm sure a lot of us are well aware of... unsolved crimes, lol. As is one of the forum's common topics. But I was recently thinking more about this in a general sense. Recently a thirty-one year old case (the kidnapping and murder of Michele Liliya) was solved. But it took even longer due to the incompetence of the police and their detectives. They had lost evidence and way back when it happened multiple police contaminated the scene. A case from 1974... took thirty-one years to get solved.

This isn't the only time this has happened, and that it has greatly delayed many other cases from being solved. But reality is, the stats say that the rate of solving these cases has gotten slower and slower in America. I want every case to be solved, but which ones have frustrated you the most?

For me right now, its the disappearance of Susan Cockburn, the 17 year old in Merseyside, PA. The cops were incredibly incompetent with how they ignored the phonecalls from her sister and then continued to carelessly handle the crime scene since they visited their home with no intent of believing the story, not tracking any phonecalls, allowing things like sheets and other things to be cleaned as they deemed it unimportant. Don't even make me go on... That was in 2003, it has only been 2 years since this happened, but you'd think more news would come of it with how big it was the moment it happened and how loud people were with their lack of work.


I feel like typically the cops aren't too bad with dealing with crimes honestly but I do agree when they are bad they are VERY bad lol. I think the stories I think of are all rural too which I think makes sense... It can be harder to track stuff.


It is true, I think most unsolved cases are commonly rural because of that. But Susan wasn't rural- that was in a very typical neighborhood, the classic "There's no crime here because we're all normal upper-middle class American families!".


Well I Hate To Bring Up Such Crimes, But I Think The Easiest Target For "How Will The Cops Fuck Up This Time?" Is Sexual Crimes. Rural, Urban, Where Ever. Doesn't Seem To Matter, You'll Get Some Guys Called Over By Any Woman And I'd Say Its 80% Likely They Will Dismiss You. Christ, You Could Be Begging For Your Life In The Middle Of A Phone Call And After The Paramedics Arrive They'll Probably Wave You Off If You Bring Up Rape Or Something. And God, The Procedures? They're All So Invasive, And They Really Don't Give A Shit When They're Doing It. And Then, After All That, They Lose Shit... Many Many Years Of Lost Rape Kits, Untested DNA, Etc... It Has Led To So Many Lost And Unsolved Cases.


i have only had bad experiences with cops, lol. it does not surprises me to read the articles about like, popular crimes that haven't been solved... i think they are cool to read because sometimes it is just random too and not because of them... like the guy who wanted a ton of money and jumped out a plane??? and they just never found him. crazy...


It is really awful to hear the kind of stuff you are talking about Sullivan... but there are so many awful crimes that get unsolved too not just those kinds which is obvious from the topic too. And I don't think all those points you make are the police's fault too.


Well The Point Of The Topic Is To Bring Up Any Of The Types Of Cases We Find Are The Worst Ones To Go Unsolved. And For Me It's Those Kinds... By No Means Am I Trying To Say They're Anymore Worse Than What You Or Someone Else Brings Up.

okanaruwolf: And I don't think all those points you make are the police's fault too.

You Say That But Look, Is It Really Not? All The Things I Describe Aren't Something To Blame On The Victim, So Who's Fault Would That Be?

taano [BANNED]

settle down sullivan, I don't think we have to put everything on the cops here. I've seen plennnty of cases where some woman cries rape & when the cops come round to help her she goes crazy asking them to do the impossible. i mean cmon... you really expect them to be able to figure out who did it when the girl was out on the street at night? I dont want girls to get hurt or whatever but it's just dumb to be out there all alone in some fingerlength skirt like they're all wearing these days lol.


I Think The Discussion Of Police And Their Inability To Do Their Jobs Properly, Should Very Well Be Brought Up In The Context Of These Kinds Of Crimes. These Things Go Together: Cops Do Poorly With The Work Required For A Case, They Do It Even Worse Because Of Discrimination. In This Case, We're Talking Crimes Against Women.

If You Got Shot And Were Too Afraid To Say Anything Because You Were Threatened For Your Life, And Told The Police A Bit Too Late After It Happened, Would You Want People To Say It Was Your Fault Your Case Isn't Getting Solved? Because You Were Scared You'd Get Killed At First? Because That It What Happens In These Situations, And It's Even Worse As People Continue To Say The Things You're Saying.

taano [BANNED]

SullavinC: Cops do poorly with the work required for a case.

fixed lol. anyway for every example of a mishandled case, there are a million more people brought to justice... you just never talk about em. And if i'm dead i'm dead, if the cops can't stop the guy guess he was good enough to get away with it, but to the winner go the spoils as they say. Now i'm not a woman, so I don't know what y'all go through, but from the way you talk sullivan I might suspect you're some kinda criminal yourself. that or you're playing victim. ROFL


I Think You Know You're Lacking Insults To Make If You Decide To Just Be A Grammar Nazi About Someone's Posts. Additionally, I Have No Requirement To Dump My Life Story Just To Make A Point. It Should Be Common Sense To Not Attack Another User's Opinions When They Just Barely Hint At Your's Being Sexist.


I think it is a good point to make about how the victims interact with the police sometimes... I think I can agree too that a lot of those kinds of cases end up being messy and hard to solve not because of the police but because the girls don't say stuff or they lie? I mean I understand being scared of stuff too but, again I just don't think it would be the cop's fault if someone doing that made it harder to solve.


okanaruwolf: I mean I understand being scared of stuff.

Is A Bit Too Light Of A Statement, You Know We're Talking About... Possibly Being Killed? Physical Harm? Or Maybe Blackmail, Financial Abuse, Etc... Again, It Is Not Unlike Other Crimes And The Fears One May Have If They Say Something! It Shouldn't Be That Hard to Understand. All I Am Pointing Out Is How Cases Of More Intense And/Or Sexual Crimes Against Women Fall Victim To This Far More Than Others.


Ok sorry I was not stating that better. But yes you are right, I would be scared too of things like that but... I just don't think its all too related because again its not the cops fault when they just don't know something right? It is bad that they are unsolved but if someone just isn't telling them everything then its hard to say its their fault when they struggle to figure it out.

taano [BANNED]

SullavinC: It should be common sense not to attack another user's opinions.

if me saying that the thousands of arrests made in this country every year (including ones that lock up rapists) are real is me attacking you, then you've got some thin skin lol. And how's it sexist of me to say girls need some common sense? if you have some yourself then you'll listen to okanaru over here when he says that soooo many victims in these cases just aren't trusting the cops when they get on the case, and aren't giving them the right info. the time's ticking after something like that happens and it's only a matter of time before there's no way left to find the guy anyway. better just to stay off the streets.



taano [BANNED]


taano [BANNED]



Okay, well. I know this could be a touchy topic but I hoped that the discussion would be civil enough to not be an issue. I'm not going to lock this thread but we're stopping this conversation now and it should be enough of a sign for anyone joining in to NOT act like this. I will not allow discussion that veers off towards sexism and victim blaming.